Sunday, 11 September 2011

Introduction and counting down

Hello and welcome to my blog.

Who am I?

As you can probably guess I'm a Mum. DS (Darling Son) is coming up for 3 later this year and 20 week scan is tomorrow for Baba Mc No 2 who is due in the new year. Hubby and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary at the start of the month (where has the time gone!) and we've just spent the weekend packing up stuff that's been sold on an ebay blitz and buying new draws for DS's room so his draws can go into the spare room for Baba Mc 2.

I work, as does hubby and I doubt I'll say much more than that on work. What I probably should explain is about my pushchairs - what I've had, what I've liked and hated about them and why I've got rid of them. I think I'll split them into seperate posts as I've had a few and have a lot to say on them.

Why am I blogging?

I've started this blog as I've been given the fantastic opportunity to road test a Quinny Pushchair and this is the main place where I'll be writing and sharing my thoughts on it. At the moment it's all very exciting as I've no idea what I will be testing. Originally it was due to be a Senzz but that fell through due to logistics. The new pushchair is on the way and is being announced on facebook over the coming week. There's a picture that they are showing piece by piece - so far 4 are revealed, 2 of which are the model pushing it, a balcony and one tantilising wheel!
It's strange but I feel rather excited. I know what sort of pushchair I'd love it to be (single that converts to a double - something like an iCandy) but so far there's very little giving it away. I'm looking forward to having a new pushchair to try and hoping that it will be suitable for the way my life is changing over the next few months.

If you want to have a look go to Quinny's page at:!/

I will also be linking into the Quinnycasters site at:!/quinnycasters and

I'm hoping this will be a good bit of fun, give a few tips on the minefield of pushchairs and other things besides.

If you have pregnancy/baby/toddler related questions please do visit I helped set up this forum in early 2011 when another forum turned into a nasty place to visit. So far it's fairly small but supportive, very helpful and is a great growing community for help and sharing experiences.

Thanks for reading.
Take care of yourself.
From Mama Mc

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