Wednesday, 1 February 2012


I'd forgotten how useful the Cabriofix and isofix base were since we used them for DS1.
We've done several trips in the last couple of days where it's been invaluable and reminded me just how easy it is to use. I don't think I could do without a car seat like the Cabriofix as it's such a good car seat and when adding in the option of being able to use it with both the Moodd and many other pushchairs it's a real winner.

It's a godsend for nursery runs. Taking the car seat out takes one pull on the lever and the car seat is released. When I'm only taking it out for 5 mins in order to walk DS1 up the drive and into nursery it means there isn't any faffing around having to fiddle with straps or taking DS2 out of the seat.

Putting it on the Moodd frame is as easy as anything. The 2 adapters slot into their correct sides then the car seat slots onto the adapters. For short shopping trips when DS2 is already sound asleep it's great to be able to use the car seat. With the car seat on the frame the Moodd remains as light and as easy to push as with the main seat. The car seat is in a good position with baby facing parent and at a nice height so you don't have to bend over too far to reach them.

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