Saturday, 25 February 2012

The secret mission to 'walk your way'

Sorry it's been a while since the last post. Time to finally write about the secret mission that we had over Christmas.

When the email arrived shortly before Christmas saying that we needed to do a video of our own version of the Moodd dance my heart sank quite a way. Being 7.5 months pregnant with SPD bad enough I was walking around on crutches when going more than a few steps, standing in front of a camera trying to do a dance where the moves would cause a lot of pain was not how I fancied spending my Christmas. Sooo, it was time to get my thinking cap on.

Thankfully an idea came quite quickly. Ever since the first photo of the Moodd came out with this model in her heels pushing the Moodd it's made me think that to me that's not what the pushchair should be about as there aren't that many Mum's who are like the woman in the picture. Given that the dancers in the demo video are all in little black dresses and heels it really re-inforced that the image being presented wasn't me. Therefore why not do something that showed how it's possible to walk MY way. That's where the shoes came from as high heels and being a mum don't always easily go together.
The different shoes are the different types of Mum's and to me represent the different Mums that the pushchair is for and how they can all walk their own way (including Dad's as did manage to get a pair of hubby's shoes in there for good measure).

Thankfully just after Christmas I had one free day while my eldest was at nursery so I grabbed my standard digital camera (not a camcorder), cleared the table and grabbed various pairs of shoes from the cupboard. The positioning of the shoes is all taken from the dance moves (with a little artistic license) so I just kept moving them around to what would represent the dance. Having edited it up my main gripe with it was the heeled shoes could have done with a polish (couldn't find it). It didn't take too long to do and I was pleased with the results.

I was even more pleased when I heard from Quinny that I'd won a prize in the Quinnycasters competition for creating a dance video.

Here's the video - see whether you like it.

Now the competition has been launched for everyone to enter (as a caster I can't enter the main Quinny competion) and given some of the complaints and gripes that have been appearing on the Quinny page I really wanted to write up how I thought about mine to give a different perspective on the possibilities. The prizes are great with both individual and group categories (with prizes) available. Closing date for submitting videos is 15th March.

Give it a go - if I can do it then virtually anyone can do it. Link is below. I'm looking forward to trying to watch as many of the entries as I can. (facebook link below to the Quinny page)!/

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